Jewellery Care

Congratulations on your purchase! To ensure that your jewellery keeps looking its best, it's important to take proper care of it. Here are some tips:

  • Store your jewellery properly: When you're not wearing your jewellery, store it in a jewellery box or a soft pouch to prevent scratches and other damage. Keep your pieces separate to avoid tangles and scratches.
  • Avoid exposing your jewellery to chemicals: Remove your jewellery before using cleaning products, hairspray, perfume, or any other chemicals that could damage the metal or stones. Apply your beauty products before putting on your jewellery to avoid contact with harsh chemicals.
  • Remove your jewellery before swimming: Chlorine and other chemicals found in swimming pools can damage the metal and stones in your jewellery. Avoid wearing your jewellery when swimming or soaking in a hot tub.
  • Avoid contact with water: Even if you're not swimming, it's important to avoid exposing your jewellery to water for extended periods of time. Remove your jewellery before showering or bathing to prevent water damage. If your jewellery does get wet, be sure to dry it thoroughly before storing it.
  • Clean your jewellery regularly: Regular cleaning can help maintain the beauty and shine of your jewellery. Remember to only use a soft microfiber cloth to clean your jewellery.
  • Remove your jewellery before physical activity: It's important to remove your jewellery before engaging in any physical activity, including exercise and sports. This will protect your jewellery from damage and also prevent it from getting caught on anything.
  • Be careful when wearing your jewellery: Avoid wearing your jewellery while doing household chores, cooking, or gardening. This can expose your jewellery to dirt, oils, and other substances that could damage it.
  • Our rose-gold plated pieces are extremely delicate, and require a little extra care. Avoid wearing them regularly, and make sure they do not come in contact with water or any chemicals to keep them shining for longer.
By following these tips, you can help ensure that your delicate costume jewellery lasts longer. Thank you for choosing our brand, and please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns about caring for your jewellery.